



時間変化するコミュニケーションが登場 2023 北京安保, セキュリティ業界のデジタルアップグレードを支援!

6月に 7,2023, 第16回中国国際公安製品博覧会が北京寿港会展センターで開幕した. をテーマに、 "独立したイノベーション, デジタルインテリジェンスの統合, セキュリティを実現し、社会に貢献する", this exhibition brings together leading enterprises and professional buyers in many related industries.


Hunan Time-Change Communication Technology Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as: Time-varying communication) with drone defense system, intelligent perimeter security alarm system, elderly care package and multi-scene solutions were invited to participate in the conference, fully demonstrating the advantages of time-varying communication in the field of digital security and helping the digital upgrade of the security industry!


In recent years, with the rapid development of 5G, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data and other high-tech, the traditional security industry is moving towards the digital security era upgrade, according to the "China Security Industry Survey Report", is expected to 2026, the market size is expected to reach 204.5 billion yuan.


Since its establishment in 2016, Time-Varying Communication has been a high-tech enterprise with the world's top millimeter wave communication R & D team as its core. Over the years, it has continuously explored and deeply cultivated the security industry, and has always maintained its leading position in China's industry, which has been recognized by the industry and customers.


With excellent solutions and technical advantages, Time-varying Communication has been widely concerned once it appeared at the exhibition. There are an endless stream of people coming to consult and negotiate. The staff patiently answers customers, sincere interaction and in-depth communication.


Everyone highly affirmed the R & D capability of time-varying communication and the market prospect of radar technology, praised that this is the development demand of the future industry, left contact information one after another, and expressed strong cooperation intention.


China has become one of the safest countries in the world, which provides strong backing and guarantee for economic and social development. At the same time, it also drives the continuous development and innovation of domestic security technology, so that China Security has risen from the bottom of the world security technology pyramid to the top, winning the reputation of "World Security to see China".


Time-varying communication always plays the spirit of innovation and exploration. While continuously improving hardware products and solutions, it improves the layout of the industrial chain. In recent years, the security products developed by Time-varying communication have continuously impacted the forefront of the industry, and have been highly recognized by relevant enterprises and government departments.





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