Based on smart RF scan technology, TXPJ2000 can passively perceive the characteristics of drone signals, identify and locate drones. It can also learn drone signals independently without relying on databases to identify suspected drones, and then countermeasures can be made. With unattended operation mode, integrated detecting and jamming, it can stop black flying drones in multiple sorties at the same time. The unit itself is com-pact designed and easy to use.
Model | TXPJ2000 |
Detection receiver frequency range | 100KHz~6GHz |
Real-time bandwidth | 100MHz |
Interference bands | standard: 0.9GHz, 1.6GHz, 2.4GHz, 5.8GHz . optional: 0.4GHz, 1.2GHz, 5.2GHz. (The specific frequency range is adjustable) |
Detection distance | ≥2KM (1.2mile) |
Counter distance | ≥1.5KM (0.9mile) |
Horizontal detection angle | 0° ~ 360° |
Maximum power consumption | 600W |
Position system | (GPS+GLONASS)/(GPS+BD) |
Antarmuka Komunikasi | RJ45 |
Drone protocol decoding | drone's GPS, pilot's GPS, drone's frequency, drone's model |
Working temperature | -20 ~ 60℃ (-4 ~ 140℉) |
Storage temperature | -40 ~ 85℃ (-40 ~ 185℉ ) |
Bobot | 28KG (61.73Ib) |
Size | 316*266*1045mm |
Sistem Pertahanan Anti-UAV kasusun saka peralatan ngarep kayata radar deteksi, Detektor RF, Kamera pelacak E/O, RF jamming utawa piranti spoofing lan piranti lunak platform kontrol UAV. Nalika drone mlebu zona pertahanan, unit deteksi output informasi posisi akurat liwat kadohan aktif, sudut, kacepetan lan dhuwur. Nalika mlebu zona bebaya, sistem bakal nemtokake independen lan miwiti piranti jamming kanggo ngganggu komunikasi mbengung, supaya drone bali utawa landing. Sistem ndhukung multi piranti lan manajemen multi zona lan bisa éling 7*24 ngawasi kabeh cuaca lan pangayoman marang invasi drone.
Sistem Pertahanan Anti-UAV kasusun saka radar utawa unit deteksi RF, Unit pelacak EO lan unit jamming. Sistem kasebut nggabungake deteksi target, nglacak & pangenalan, dhawuh & kontrol ing jamming, multi fungsi ing siji. Adhedhasar skenario aplikasi sing beda, sistem bisa fleksibel tugasaken menyang solusi optimal kanthi milih Unit deteksi beda lan piranti jamming. AUDS bisa tetep instalasi, mobil dipasang utawa portabel. Miturut jinis instalasi tetep, AUDS digunakake digunakake ing situs pangayoman keamanan tingkat dhuwur, vehicle mounted type is normally used for routine patrol or more, and portable type is used a lot for temporary prevention & control in key conference, sport events, concert etc.
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