The E/O Drone Tracking Camera has built-in high-definition visible fog-penetrating camera and thermal imaging camera, with intelligent target detection and tracking algo-rithm, which can achieve 24-hour uninterrupted target recognition and tracking in visible light, low illumination, severe haze weather and at night. The body adopts high-strength shock-absorbing alloy die-cast shell, with overall three-proof spraying, heat insulation, high temperature and cold resistance, impact resistance, corrosion resistance, and good wind resistance and shock absorption performance.
Mudell | TXC-3K |
Visible light camera | |
Maximum resolution | 1080P (1920x1080) |
focal length | 6.5 ~ 312mm 48x optical continuous zoom |
Minimum illumination | Color: 0.002Lux Black and white: 0.0002Lux @(AGC ON) |
Fog penetration | Optical defogging |
Thermal imaging camera | |
Detector Type | Uncooled Vanadium Oxide Focal Plane Detector |
Image resolution | 640x512, thermal imaging encoding: 1280x1024 |
Focal length of thermal imaging lens | 75mm |
Video Image | |
Video compression standards | H.265 /H.264/ MJPEG |
Frame rate | 25/30fps |
OSD character overlay | Multi-zone intelligent OSD, supports multi-line national standard characters, font size, color, and position can be customized |
PTZ function | |
Detection range | Orizzontali: 0° ~ 360° continuous unlimited rotation; Vertikali: -90° ~ +90° |
Preset position | 256 |
Equipment performance and intelligent functions | |
Target detection performance | Visible light ≥ 2.5Km Thermal imaging ≥ 1.2Km (UAV 35X35cm , visibility ≥ 20KM, temperature ≤ 20℃, humidity ≤ 40%) |
Network Features | |
Supported protocols | IPv4, TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, DHCP, RTP/RTCP/RTSP, FTP, UPnP, DDNS, NTP, IGMP, ICMP |
Compatible protocols | ONVIF |
Interface | |
Communication interface | 1 RJ45, 10M/100M adaptive Ethernet interface |
Basic Features | |
Operating temperature/humidity | -35℃ ~+60℃ / <90%RH |
Protection grade of PTZ | IP66 |
Power Input | AC220V to DC24V±15% waterproof power supply |
power | Normal operation≤30W startup peak≤40W |
Weight (net weight) | <8KG |
Is-Sistema ta' Difiża Kontra l-UAV hija magħmula minn tagħmir ta' quddiem bħal radar ta' skoperta, Rilevatur RF, Kamera tat-traċċar E/O, Apparat għall-imblukkar jew spoofing RF u softwer tal-pjattaforma tal-kontroll tal-UAV. Meta d-drone jidħol fiż-żona tad-difiża, l-unità ta 'skoperta toħroġ informazzjoni preċiża dwar il-pożizzjoni permezz ta' distanza attiva, angolu, veloċità u għoli. Meta tidħol fiż-żona ta 'twissija, the system will determine independently and start the jamming device to interfere the drone communication, so as to make the drone returning or landing. The system supports multi devices and multi zones management and can realize 7*24 all-weather monitoring and protection against drone invasion.
Anti-UAV Defense System consists of radar or RF detection unit, EO tracking unit and jamming unit. The system integrates target detection, tracking & recognition, command & control on jamming, funzjonijiet multi f'wieħed. Ibbażat fuq xenarji ta 'applikazzjoni differenti, is-sistema tista 'tiġi skjerata b'mod flessibbli f'soluzzjoni ottima billi tagħżel unità ta' sejbien differenti u apparat ta 'jamming. L-AUDS jista 'jkun installazzjoni fissa, vettura mobbli immuntata jew portabbli. Permezz tat-tip ta 'installazzjoni fissa, L-AUDS tintuża ħafna f'sit ta 'protezzjoni tas-sigurtà ta' livell għoli, it-tip immuntat fuq il-vettura huwa normalment użat għall-għassa ta' rutina jew aktar, u tip portabbli huwa użat ħafna għall-prevenzjoni temporanja & kontroll fil-konferenza ewlenija, avvenimenti sportivi, kunċert eċċ.
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