Dèan radar nas sìmplidhe



Modal radar/

Indoor Human Body Presence Detection Radar Module ASX08-P

GnìomhanDearbhadh làthaireachd, Gluasad & Gun ghluasad, Target Position & Trajectory
Modh atharrachaidhFMCW
Tricead tar-chuir24GHz
Sianal Transceiver2TX / 2RX
Le cumhachd5V / 0.18A
Astar Dearbhaidh3.0m (10ft) (target motionless)

6.0m (19.7ft) (minor movement)
8m (26.3ft) (tracadh)

Beamwidth (Azimuth)-60° ~ 60 °
Beamwidth (pitch)-30°~30°
Eadar-aghaidh conaltraidhUART
Caitheamh cumhachd0.95W
Meudan (L*W)35×40mm (1.4×1.6in)
  • Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh


ASX02, ASX08-P and ASX01/SW series are mmWave radar modules that are ideal for applications such as indoor human body presence detection and tracking. Air a nochdadh le dealbhadh modaladh FMCW le iom-fhillteachd agus coileanadh àrd, còmhla ri algorithm radar adhartach an cois ionnsachadh innealan domhainn, this line of radar modules provides excel user experiences in applications such as smart toilets, smart lighting, smart screen control, and so on. It provides a budget replacement of current technologies such as PIR and doppler radars.


GnìomhanDearbhadh làthaireachd, Gluasad & Gun ghluasad, Target Position & Trajectory
Modh atharrachaidhFMCW
Tricead tar-chuir24GHz
Sianal Transceiver2TX / 2RX
Le cumhachd5V / 0.18A
Astar Dearbhaidh3.0m (10ft) (target motionless)

6.0m (19.7ft) (minor movement)
8m (26.3ft) (tracadh)

Beamwidth (Azimuth)-60° ~ 60 °
Beamwidth (pitch)-30°~30°
Eadar-aghaidh conaltraidhUART
Caitheamh cumhachd0.95W
Meudan (L*W)35×40mm (1.4×1.6in)


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