Ngabantosan ningkatkeun kaamanan sareng ngirangan biaya jalan pikeun komunitas hirup senior sareng sistem kaséhatan.
A pinter jeung contactless ngawaskeun jeung alat warning dini. Designed to screen for high-hazardous risks of day to day living for senior citizens. Get alerts for potential falls, wandering, oversleeping, inactivity, sareng seueur deui! Dina hiji kajadian, an alert is sent to emergency contacts through phone calls, text messages, or APP notifications. Generate data-based analytic health reports that help in the early diagnosis of diseases.
Jenis radar | FMCW |
Pita frékuénsi | 60GHz (FCC certified) |
Rentang deteksi | Up to 7m (23ft) |
Témbongkeun widang éféktif (horisontal) | 90° |
Témbongkeun widang éféktif (nangtung) | 90° |
kakuatan Sistim | DC 5V/2A Max |
Sambungan jaringan | Wifi |
Suhu operasi | -10 ~ 50°C (14 ~ 122°F) |
rating IP | IP54 |
Diménsi | 148*105*24mm (5.8*4.1*0.9di) |
Beurat unit (kira-kira.) | 156g |
Installation height | 1.4 ~ 2.2m (4.5 ~ 7.2ft) |
Protokol komunikasi | SDK / API |
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