Samaynta Raadaarka mid fudud

About us

Who are we?

Hal qayb oo ka mid ah Time Varying Transmission Co., Ltd., Ltd (TVT) waa shirkad caalami ah oo tignoolajiyada sare leh oo udub dhexaad u ah farsamada isgaadhsiinta mawjadaha millimitirka ee aduunka ugu sarreeya. Alaabooyinka ugu muhiimsan waxaa ka mid ah 5G isgaarsiinta RF transceiver modules-dhamaadka hore, anteenooyinkooda iskaanka elektiroonigga ah ee profile hooseeya ee marinnada dayax-gacmeedka ee orbit-hoose, raadaarada la socodka caafimaadka ee mowjadda mm, Raadaarka ogaanshaha UAV, raadaarka ilaalinta wareegga amniga, Terminalka fiyuuska fiidiyowga ee radar AI, Kormeeraha hurdo la'aanta ah, Anti UAV radar, radar ogaanshaha wareega wareega, software codsiga, iwm. Badeecadahayada iyo adeegyadayagu waxa si caalami ah loogu aqoonsaday waxqabad iyo waliba faa'iido qiimo leh.

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  • For End Users

    For End Users

    Products for safety & security, every moment, our technology, innovation, and design makes us a most sought after brand.

  • For Channel Partners

    For Channel Partners

    As a startup venture we are open to cooperation and offer excellent products & service for integrators, distributors & retailers.

  • For Manufacturers

    For Manufacturers

    We offer powerful mmwave sensing technology & solution to enhance the smarter service to the market.

  • Complete Supply Chain

    Complete Supply Chain

    With a stable and complete supply chain, we can get a sound competitiveness in cost budget & consistent quality.

Wararka Wax badan

TVTRADAR always continues to release our latest updates on product development and company activities, so partners can keep the pace with us.
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    Shakhsi ahaaneedGanacsigaQaybiyaha

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