Çêkirina Radarê Hêsantir


About us

Who are we?

Demjimêra Veguhastina Guherbar., Ltd (TVT) pargîdaniyek teknolojiya bilind a navneteweyî ye ku teknolojiya pêwendiya pêla mîlîmetre ya herî mezin a cîhanê wekî bingeha wê ye. Berhemên sereke modulên pêş-enda RF-ya ragihandinê ya 5G vedigirin, ji bo termînalên satelîtê yên kêm-orbit antên skankirina elektronîkî yên kêm-profile, radarên çavdêriya tenduristiyê yên mm-wave, Radara tespîtkirina UAV, radar çavdêriya perimeterê ewlehiyê, termînalê fusion video radar AI, çavdêriya xewê bê têkilî, Radara dijî UAV, radara vedîtina ketina perimeter, nivîsbariya sepanê, etc. Hilber û karûbarên me di performansê de û di heman demê de bi avantajên lêçûnê jî li seranserê cîhanê têne nas kirin.

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  • For End Users

    For End Users

    Products for safety & security, every moment, our technology, innovation, and design makes us a most sought after brand.

  • For Channel Partners

    For Channel Partners

    As a startup venture we are open to cooperation and offer excellent products & service for integrators, distributors & retailers.

  • For Manufacturers

    For Manufacturers

    We offer powerful mmwave sensing technology & solution to enhance the smarter service to the market.

  • Complete Supply Chain

    Complete Supply Chain

    With a stable and complete supply chain, we can get a sound competitiveness in cost budget & consistent quality.

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TVTRADAR always continues to release our latest updates on product development and company activities, so partners can keep the pace with us.
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