Simplificando el radar

Correo electró



Únase a la fiesta de la cumbre, percibir el futuro del radar! Las comunicaciones que varían en el tiempo aparecen en la Segunda Cumbre Mundial sobre Radar y el Futuro

Evento de radar, brillando en chengdu. En noviembre 4 - 5,2022, la Segunda Cumbre Mundial de "Radar y futuro" se inauguró oficialmente en el Centro Internacional de Conferencias Tianfu de Chengdu. Con el tema de "radar que se integra en la economía nacional y el sustento de las personas, gathering wisdom to create a better future", the summit discussed the strategy of integrating radar technology into all industries, building a bridge for economic and scientific exchange, and boosting the digital transformation and high-quality development of the industry. Hunan Time-varying Communication Technology Co., Limitado.(en lo sucesivo denominada comunicación variable en el tiempo) was invited to participate in this grand event.


The summit was led by the conference, with supporting exhibition areas set up, attracting more than 2000 spectators from radar and relevant industries, government departments, business circles, academic circles and other fields to participate in the summit, and building a win-win cooperation platform for upstream and downstream communication, integration and transaction of radar industry. Time-varying communication with UAV detection radar, intelligent perimeter security thunder vision fusion terminal, perimeter security radar sensor, Kangju guardian elf and Kangju intelligent physical sign detector appeared, attracting many intended cooperation customers to stop and communicate.




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